Old South United Methodist Church

Welcome All

Experience God

Transform Lives

Act Justly





Join us at Old South for Worship and Fellowship every Sunday at 10am in the Sanctuary. Sunday School is back! Children are welcome to go downstairs with our Sunday School volunteers after the children’s message for crafts and fun. Sign up for the email newsletter below to stay up to date on our upcoming events.


Christmas Poinsettias

Honor the memory of your loved one this year by ordering a poinsettia for the sanctuary on Christmas Eve. Let us know who you’ll be remembering, and we’ll print their names in the bulletin on Christmas Eve.  You may take your plant home after Christmas Eve service, or if you leave it, we will find it a good home.

Order Here

Donations are due by December 18th to be printed in the bulletin.

Christmas Eve Services

Old South will hold two services on Christmas Eve; our traditional Lessons and Carols service at 5pm, which is family friendly, and our 11pm Candlelight service in the Chapel. As always, everyone is welcome!

You are Welcome here

No matter where you are on your faith journey, no matter your age, race, gender, orientation, or ethnicity, no matter your religious or political affiliation, no matter your financial or social status, you are a child of God and you are welcome at Old South United Methodist Church.

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